By: Seth Arnold
Such a small word
Such a big meaning
Described as nothing
Seen as everything
The stars twinkling
The sun burning
The moon glowing
The clouds moving
Day and night
Everything and nothing
Each with no meaning without the other
Light and dark
A bigger word
Describing something smaller
Our small world
All that we know
Are they not the same?
By: Luke Duffey
Floating some would say; slowly on her way
Moving slowly to find home; moving slowly now
she’s gone
A foreign paradise, concealed within a realm of
Creatures from the later life rest, waiting for
the time
The moment to go back in time and find what is
What is mine is running out of time and is going
She is moving slower now to the same location
Some would call it a needed vacation from
someone dear
Alone in the universe you could say
traveling , but she cannot steer
Trying to find what is mine here
What is mine has ran out of time
What was mine no longer lives, but moves slowly,
Slowly away from what lies ahead, my dear
You know not the pain i feel, but soon you will
Because i darling, face the same fate as my
The fate of a longing desire to find something
You will have to find it and save my, my dear
“Little Lesney
By: Susan Gareis
There’s a strange, strange world where sun sets
Water falls upward, and “good morning” is really
“good night.”
Well come the day July the fourth,
Everything will set back right.
The near thought of things going “back to
Gives everyone quite a fright.
“This is outrageous! Abnormal!
This is all being done out of spite!”
Well here comes along
Little Lesney Letherwooth to come save the day
“It’s been chaos for way too long.”
“Normality” must stay away.
By: Emma Hill
You drift off away from me, old friend
Leaving me beached in the harsh, baking sun.
Then you crash over me like the incoming tide
Rippling over me with surges of relief.
But you recede as quickly as you arrive
And the waves of your return become more and more
With every passing day
With each grinding, exhausting cycle
Bits of you become wisps of rising vapor
Evaporating until I can no longer recall your
“My Dream”
By: Kevin Jessup III
The wind and rain
Is hard on my brain,
And shows you how
Sane I really am,
And how I want to
Control what is dull,
And that I’m due
Who the mole and the shrew
Really are.
Music is swell,
Like you could tell,
That I try to
Sell what I have,
For the price
Of the love
For rice,
With the dove and the mice
From my pocket.
“The Shadows”
By: Anna Johnson
A forbidden place I never knew,
had never seen, had never looked
into the dark despair
that stood before me.
The tall darkness glided toward me
only his smile penetrated the black
standing before me, he outstretched his hand
his gleaming teeth bearing through a crooked
The hand was haunting, yet beautiful,
his long fingers wrapped in lace,
the elegant hand was calling me,
so I met Death’s warm embrace.
“The Man”
By: Caden Maxwell
Jackson is good;
Jackson is great.
There is no room to negotiate.
He is a dude.
He is a guy.
He might just make you cry.
He has blonde hair.
He’s kind of small.
He does not want to be tall.
If you make him mad,
He’ll strike you dead.
Jackson can blow up your head.
Jackson is good;
Jackson is great.
Find this man a date.
“The House”
By: Jackson Paulk
There once was a very old house,
It was a dark and creepy halloween night,
Children were out trick or treating,
Their parents followed slowly behind.
There was but one house no one dared visit,
It was so lonely and dark and gray,
No one had visited the house for most of the
That was until clarence came round,
The child marched right up the hill no fear at
He was young and really quite small.
Clarence marched right up to the porch,
One knock then a second followed after,
The door creaked open there was no one there ,
Clarence seemed startled,
There was no one in sight and his parent were no
where near.
Oh Clarence had no fear,
He started to peer right into that home,
An old lady appeared from behind that door,
She looked so happy with a bowl of candy in
Clarence did not think twice he grabbed a
handful of candy,
The old woman smiled happily as clarence walked
That was her first trick or treater she had ,
had today .
“The Zone”
By: Kathereyne Purser
Darkness falls that September night
There is no one to be seen,
To those whom are not know it may seem quiet,
But all breaks loose on fall nights
They come out one by one, slow and steady.
They’re screaming inside, yet no one can hear
Which makes the secret approach even more
The dark consumes the innocent as they try to
But they are coming for them don’t you see?
But they are coming for them don’t you see?
Surrounded by them there is nothing they can do
For they have entered the zone,
Where no one should ever go.
By: Dominic Sasser
Glinting off the mirrored front, he sees his own
It is more than what he’s looking at, its whom
he’s looking in.
A plethora of questions he has never thought to
Pushing, shoving, straining to be heard was
their ultimate task.
Mr. Daniel hears their plea, and implores
himself from within,
Coming near to wearing thin.
He ponders, is this him, or is it all but a
These thoughts flow through his head like fluids
midst a stream.
He tries to hide his pain, tries to be
His anger, his hatred, his loathing,
disseminates to the rest of us.
One moment bears speculations, another they
vanish like steam,
From the mirror which they gleam.
By: Connor Senters
However you may look at it,
Either beautiful or grotesque,
There is one thing that stands out above all the
Fishing is looked down upon by many,
as an activity for the lazy,
But it is in fact a sport for the wise, patient,
and swift.
Wise for the bait choice,
Patient for the bite,
And swift for the hookset and quick action.
In fact fishing is most important,
A job worth pursuing;
And a skill worth keeping.
You see,
Most people stay away from it because,
It's gross and makes a mess,
But to the fishermen it's a sport best above all
the rest.
“A Lost Love”
By: Molly Sims
Overflowing with greif and pain,
She could hardley bare anymore,
Her heart was torn into two,
This sorrow was unlike any she’d felt before.
For weeks she grieved all alone,
Drowning in despair.
Weeping and crying for hours each day,
Until at last she uttered a prayer.
“Why, oh Lord, has this happened?
What did I do to deserve such pain?
The love of my life you took from me,
Oh, what an angel you did gain.”
In silence she sat, awaiting an answer,
Until finally a voice chimed in.
Great wisdom and comfort he spoke to her,
Of the meaning that lied within.
“Be still my child and cry no more,
For your love is safe with me.
Your heartache is all apart of my plan,
A plan that will set you free.”
“Winding Roads”
By: Adalyse Smetzer
Imagine an empty street,
With trees all around you.
They are so beautiful, tall, and sweet.
The smell of pine enters you and it is so calming.
You have no idea how to
speak to these “trees.”
You are just walking alone.
Down the road.
But then comes a breeze,
And it is so terrifying,
blowing you around.
Suddenly you end up on an entirely different
But it is fine because the road goes on.
Still feeling shaken up from the aftermath,
You walk on but then something strange happens…
This “tree” comes out of nowhere
And it just starts walking with you.
This tree is so bright and beautiful, you feel like air.
And then the road straightens out and everything is so clear.
Before you know it you have several
Trees by your side.
Life works out and you will be careful,
But even through the wind you will make your
By: Nicholas Smith
Nature flows continually around me
As I slowly float adrift down-stream.
The wind blows through the trees,
And the river current is as calm as ever.
Calmly floating down-stream eases the mind the
stress filled life.
It can take away all problems for just enough
time to think,
Think about nothing but the recurring peaceful
thought of nature.
The peace and beauty is quite relaxing.
Anything in nature could ease the mind,
Not just floating down a river,
But anything that is peaceful and calming.
Nature will do you wonderous things.
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