The girl she once was
By: Savanna Landrum
Moms are shrieking as
Doctors are yelling as
Babies are crying
All in the hospital.
The baby is now talking,
Talking to her mama and dada
And walking, walking to proud arms.
The calm girl is shook abruptly
When her annoying alarm goes off.
She curses the day that America,
Yes America forced her to go to school.
Her lying lover now gone
Gone with all their memories.
She fears waking up to no one by her side.
The girl is running,
Running to catch a happy child.
The child screams “Mama”
As she catches the running child.
The girl thinks back
Back to the olden days
When she had no care.
No worries about growing up.
That girl is no more.
This new girl is blind
And lacks movement.
She only moved slightly
As she felt her lungs collapse.
Life Beat
By: Kate Maddox
Our lives are but a song,
And we fill in the lyrics.
Some but a short and bright duet,
Others a long and lonesome ballad.
We start with a steady beat, that of heart and drum.
Then the first word; so soft and sweet
The cry of the child, verses of the tongue.
Soon will come the rhythm, the schedule and order
Same known steps, to school and fro.
And some the times, with no lyrics at all
Where you are left to wonder and listen
If it is major or minor.
But soon comes the chorus, loud and exciting
The part you remember,
Even if you forget the rest.
The time when lyrics sound most beautiful
And the beat is loose with joy in each thump.
But every story must have a problem,
And so every song a low
Spilling out from the chorus
A darkness takes tow.
You dredge with weaker bones
Creaking and cracking with each step and slip.
Your life, crescendo and descend
In the middle, loud and awake
Start and finish, quiet and questioning.
With your neck like a hook
And your eyes like glass
You have one last smile
As the your end beat comes at last.
As the day goes on
By JR Fordham
As the day goes on, new life has sprung,
As the newborn baby takes his first breath,
Before you know it, the baby is twelve months,
And is learning his very first word. And when the age is four,
the crying kid makes his way to the first day of school,
And when he is six, and has learned some new tricks,
He rides a bike without training wheels. When he has turned eight,
though a lot of people would hate,
Even though it did not hurt,
He lost his very first tooth. When his years turned fourteen,
and school was getting hard,
and throughout his life, he had made a lot of friends,
He began his first day of Highschool. When he had turned eighteen,
there came a great day,
when he was not a kid anymore,
He graduated from school into a man.
“Yet to Come”
By: Mia Crooms
Crying, wailing, screaming all day.
Parents rushing to quiet you,
Shhh is what they say.
They are saddened by you growing,
Into a stumbling toddler today.
Now starting school,
Dragging along to say,
Not ready to leave,
Whining to your mom all day,
Years later, starting the big school, highschool.
You’re nervous, so you pray.
Teen years are a struggle,
Parents are telling you what to do and say,
So you deviantly say no!
Your parents already wishing this phase was over today.
Flash forward again,
College comes next May.
Not a lot of fun,
To be in school again, so you say.
Studying hard to accomplish,
Something you still are learning everyday.
The next stages,
Have yet to come this day.
Flying Heart
By:Fatima El-Jeaid
A beautiful baby girl,
Gentle like the petals of a flower,
Grasping for her mother’s touch.
Growing, the baby spreads her wings,
Flying on the field and in her dreams.
Soon her dark features come in,
Alongside her glowing skin.
Only six, yet already known
For her skills take her a many of places,
Till she ages and finds more things to love, like another sport, driving, and even a boy.
Yet through the years she never loses her love
For the woman who made her who she was,
Yet she grows independent and learns the hard
Ways of love, pain and rejection.
She finds her yellow path again though,
After graduating and finding that perfect mate.
She has the job of her dreams,
Along with a man.
The dark curls that used to be her hair,
Now thin and straight with the arrival of newborns.
Her babies now grown, her part done,
Retired and wise the dark headed girl
Who loved those who couldn’t
And now her time has come.
One last beat till that strong flying heart
Stopped flying.
By: MiShayla Brown
A baby girl is born,
Crying she enters the world,
Innocent and scared,
Not knowing what this life may bring.
She is now a little girl,
Prancing around in her mom's high heels,
Her hair is messily curled,
As she plays for hours on end.
She blinks, and she is in middle school,
Where it seems like girl drama is her whole world,
She cries to her mom at night,
And prays for it to be over.
She walks in for her first day of highschool,
And falls for a senior boy,
She faces love and heartbreak,
But through it she finds her true friends.
In college she finally finds herself,
And a husband who treats her well,
She has a job she loves dearly,
And her own little girl on the way.
She relives her life through her daughter,
As her daughter goes through her teen years,
She tells stories of her past,
And the memories come rushing in.
Now she lays in her bed,
Knowing her time has come to an end,
Her family surrounding her side,
Pictures of her life flash in front of her eyes,
Then she goes to be with Jesus.
Falling leaves
By: Kirsten Villarreal
A new leaf on a tree.
A baby girl fresh into the world
Fresh with hopes and dreams,
She dreamed of being a princess in a castle made of sugar.
Now that she started school,
She no longer had an imagination of that sort,
She wanted to be something realistic a scientist.
She was now into books,
She read and read till the day was over fascinated by science.
12 years of her life devoted to school and 4 more to come maybe even more.
Every year passed getting smarter and smarter,
Wiser and wiser.
Until at last her glory of being a scientist came to an end
She was old.
Her salt and pepper colored hair
Her blurred vision.
Until at last the single leaf fell off the tree.
The Coming of Age :)
By: Tanner Filion
Memory faded from times long ago,
During quarrelsome moments in years past;
I’ve learned from these mishaps that have occured in my lifetime,
Just to repeat them later in life.
At my childcare center,
Named Orchard Rise.
I laughed and cried,
Many, many times.
Entering primary school; I met many new faces,
Like a bird being introduced into a new flock;
And to this day we share a classroom,
And even throughout the middle school years.
Three years there, but felt like an eternity.
To ISS twice and break detention one too many times.
I was not a troublesome kid,
But when I was, their looming eyes were always there,
Watching me commit my many “crimes,”
Against the ever so strict school policy.
Now, almost through with freshman year.
No trouble has come my way,
But time will tell as I continue this journey
With the same people I started it with,
When I entered the first grade.
Through the years
Jewell Allen
A child is born,
Yet life still goes on.
The world surrounds them,
Everything new and scary.
The child grows into a toddler,
And in trouble he will stay,
For a toddler's only interests are
Anything and everything,
He grows into an older boy with new interests,
And new wearies, and more theories
Of life and how it always goes on.
He´s once again older now and often thinks of oh so many things,
Like the adventures he had in his much younger days.
The comfort he gets out of his memories,
Will last until the his memory is gone.
And now it’s gone
With his hair a whitish gray, hands of faded wrinkles,
His eyes clouded, and mind troubled,
He sat down in his chair,
He thought of how heaven sounded.
And then he heard.
“First in our Hearts”
By NenaBeth Mickle
The first sights, the first sounds, the first smells,
The first loves, the first hates,
Our experiences and mistakes,
Forever in our hearts shall be held.
As we stand where we are
Yet see where we were
And reflect on who we’ve become.
Like the blissfulness of a child
Still dear to our hearts
Unaware of things all around.
And now that I’m older
Sometimes I want it back
And I search, but it can never be found.
But this process of growing, it’s not all bad
There are freedoms and dreaming past today.
New friends, new knowledge, new beginnings,
New hope, new you,
New things you can do,
This is what our hearts are now singing.
So there are things and people from our past that we miss
But it doesn’t have to be sad.
Because through all this change
All the memories we’ve made
Forever in our hearts shall be held.
I remember
By: Anita Lawson
I remember that time
my dad put me on his motorcycle.
I remember that time
my parents were arguing.
I remember that time
I learned how to ride a bike.
I remember that time
I moved in with the Pope’s.
I remember that time
I went to Disney.
I remember that time
I met my best friend.
I remember that time
I started cheer.
I remember that time
I got my first motorcycle.
I remember that time
my parents found out that I’m gay.
I remember that time
Jackson was born.
I remember that time
my parents bought me a truck.
I remember that time
I had to grow up.
Growing Up
By: Darci Dillard
Life is a journey.
From being compressed in your mother’s womb
To becoming an old human being.
There is nothing you can do to stop this from happening.
Things change.
Old doors are closed
New ones are opened.
You have to decide what to do.
Decisions get more complex along the way.
One day you are contemplating
What to wear on your first day of school.
Then later you are choosing what to do
With your retirement income.
Growing up is not easy,
But it is necessary for the life cycle.
During your life here on Earth,
You are born helpless.
You are born helpless.
And you die helpless.
But somewhere in between you have been an influence.
That is the most important part!
By: Joni Lumley
Growing up, I cried a lot,
For I was only a babe.
Then I learned how to act
And became mature enough
To start handling myself.
I learned; then relaxed;
Was quick and smart,
But not as smart as all.
Then I grew more in my years
And realized how difficult it was;
The smarter struggled,
And I did too.
For I became one of them.
I’ve learned loads of works
That will soon help me in my older days
Is that not the whole point of school?
By Sophie Knight
The soft whisper of a mother’s voice,
Calming the child with every breath.
The babe’s cries fill the room with frustration,
A roller coaster of emotions as she begins to grow.
Her whines turn to screams,
As she demands attention every moment.
Her once wobbly legs
Begin to walk with great strides.
Baby bottles replaced with alphabet songs,
And off to school she goes,
So fast you can’t keep up.
It’s a shaky path, but she learns fast.
A book in her hand is now a sight very common,
Yet she yearns for a time when her mother still whispered to her in the night.
Off into the world she leaps,
Making new friends and seeing the love they share.
She’s hoping for a love as capturing as theirs one day.
And here we see her grinning at a beautiful boy.
Adrenaline floods her veins as she plummets down the spiral of the unknown.
With one glance at him she knew she would be okay.
But now she is in much pain,
For becoming a mother is no easy task.
An infant is soon placed in her arms,
Clueless as to how far her mother had come.
She begins to whisper to the baby girl,
As she cries and whines her way into the world.
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