Friday, February 28, 2020

2nd Per. 2019-20 Poet Laureate's Entries

Her Rage Within
Hailey Brady

All around us is a raging fire,

That engulfs all that enters it.

With a single spark the fire spreads,

Encasing everything in her rage.

Her cruelty is not wavering.

She won't stop till she has everyone trapped.

Children cry for their parents,

But they are stuck in the fire.

Men try to reach their families,

But are cut off by Her.

Mothers, Fathers, even children leave home

To fight the angry flames,

But nothing seems to work.

They stomp Her out once, 

But She returns even stronger.

Each time she is harder to defeat.

She kills without mercy,

And she laughs at the ones who try to escape.

Some manage to free themselves and return home,

But no one really truly can escape Her fiery grasp.

I know why they can’t escape.

The fire is caused by us.

The fire is war.

Trenton Crosby

Clouds as gray as oak tree bark
Releases droplets 
Droplets clear as glass
Droplets of many shapes and forms
Hit the ground and tops of roofs randomly

They fall to the ground to turn a different color
Seeping into the ground or rolling down a window
The wind blows like a fan
Causing the rain to fall harder like a rock in the ir
Making a more satisfying sound to distract those in class

Sometimes there are no better nights than a rainy one
Sometimes windy 
Sometimes thundering like a spoon on a pan
Sometimes just plain rain 
Sometimes helping to forget about that day 

The rain can calm like a midnights sleep
The rain can scare like being lost in the dark
The rain is something I like to see
On a hot summer day it brings many glee
Rain is great to me

“Where I’m From”
Trinity Glover
I am from my mother’s womb , 
Into this wicked world.
From a small colorful butterfly flying over a garden of flowers.
From a bright larva , 
Opening as a hatched egg.
From down the court shooting 3’s , 
And always meeting new people like waves covering the seas. 
I am from a smiling and lovely town with a big family tree.
From wanting to go out and visit the world , 
From leaving my spirit behind like a buzzing bee.
I am from big comfy hugs and a lot of food giving affirmations While my father praying as we conclude.
I am from Granny’s good sweet potato pie 
Living in the country , and always giving it a try.
I’m from my mama’s , “Keeping God first”
To always forget and forgive.
From the day on the cross 
God’s grace glory he gives to me!!
I am the oldest of my parents.
A true definition of my name. 
From the unity of three, that’s me TRI-NI-TY!!

                   Cole Garnto

I’am A dead man from the start until HE saved me.
Thy LORD is the one true one that is as a cord, 
To  connect so HE’ll love.
HE is the mighty lion, but is the dove.
Sending us HIS son,
To let us live in eternity,
Thy LORD knew HE would have fun.
Sending HIS son gave riots,
Jesus was not yet disquiet.
For HE had a surprise planned,
To make every being not banned.
When the three disciples watched, they felt shattered.
For those three days they were in a chatter,
For when Jesus was put in the tomb,
Darkness rejoiced as though heaven had lost.
Then HE moved the mighty bolder and came out like a king,
And that's when death was arrested,  
That is why the king's love is always infested .
My life has been changed by the face of glory,
And that is the true christ story.

Loving my Mom
Emily Tomberlin
     Being a little girl was all I used to be.
Hiding behind my mom’s shadow while she does the talking.
Loving my Mom.
Not doing the cooking or fending for myself
Because she does all the caring.
Loving my Mom.
Knowing love
Because she loves me with all her heart.
Loving my Mom.
Being able to love God and be a good Christian
Because she is being the best Christian she can be.
Loving my Mom.
Being nice to others
Because that is what she’s always taught me.
Loving my Mom.
Being myself
Because she always is.
Loving my Mom.
Helping other people
Like she has always done.
Loving my Mom.
Always respecting others
Because that’s what she has taught me.
Loving my Mom.
Like a diamond in the rough
She outshines everyone else.
                               Loving my Mom is what I do best
Because she is all the things I wish to be.

Alexis Rogers

Ice formed in every crevice of the cold hearted light.
The once warm glow of the light within was flickering out.
Slowly turning to ice,
Freezing in its wake, &
Leaving all of its sorrows behind.
Whilst every tick of the hand was freezing every drop of hope left, as if time had stopped ,
& the ability to dream,
 & to love was forgotten.

 Alas the last sparkle of the light was gone, vanished.
Choked out by the cool, steel gates that were once hidden.
But now they rose, completely closing it in a box.
Trapping it into a steady rhythm that was never to be touched.
Enclosing it into a world where the air was now toxic.
Truly creating a heart in a box.

A heart in which the world could see it,
But never touch it.
It was never to be touched again.
Its purpose to love is nevermore.
Its purpose to bleed is forevermore.

Brianna Giberson

Home is supposed to be a guarded place, 
Where you can be yourself,
And not feel trapped, alone in a slave house.

Some homes are frightening.
Never ending fights, every night cries.
Not all homes are a guarded place.

School is a safe place. 
With loving teachers,
And their best friends,
School is where they can be themselves.

Coming home after school,
Already hearing the loud voices in your head.
Never knowing what you will come home to.

Always hearing, “everything will be okay.”
Putting on the fake smiles,
Covering up the bruises and scars on a daily.
Some homes are not always your guarded place.

One day, no one will be there to save you.
There might be a day, 
Where all you see is black.
Home is called home for a reason. 
It's supposed to be safe,
But not for everyone.

      If I Were A Snowflake
   By Henley Powell

If I were a snowflake drifting from the sky,
I would leave my home from way up high,
I would have no cares in the world,
 And no one would bother me,
I would be free and someone would watch me fall like a leaf in autumn
 but all of my family would leave before or after me,
If I were  a snowflake, oh how lonely I would be!

If I were a snowflake I would stay up in the clouds, 
Until my time came for me to float down, as a raindrop suddenly  hits the ground,
I would stay in the sky until my time came, 
For me to do my job and glorify God’s name.

If I were  a snowflake, I would be different from all of my family
But that is how I was made, to be different from the rest and glorify His name! No two snowflakes look alike, But they were made with a unique design.
If I were a snowflake, my life would not be easy, because I would have to leave my family and step out of  my comfort zone. And my life would be short, but it was not meant to be long. I would one day melt and fall to the ground. I would dissolve in the snow as a snowman in winter, and be forever gone. 

If I were  a snowflake, my life would be short and sweet
                       But because I am a person my purpose will take longer to complete. 
                      Snowflakes are important, but people are so much more.
                      People were created like a snowflake, one of a kind, but,with very                 different designs. But a snowflake cannot compare to what a person will be. A snowflake has a purpose, but a person has a greater one. A person is meant to live      a life dedicated to serving God and others.
If I were a snowflake I would quickly serve my purpose, but because I am a person I will serve my purpose and change the world.      

Just Look
Cadence Huff

an old book sits on top a shelf
gathering dust bunnies and mites

it’s untouched by all
until the time is right

not a thought about it 
nothing is said 

like a retired graveyard
where all things are dead

on top of the shelf I sit
on top of the shelf I lay

in hopes i’ll be needed
by someone, some day 

years go past 
they must have forgotten 

not used by a soul
why was I even boughten 

now covered in webs 
and inch thick dust 

my pages are filled with meaning
if someone would just look

there’s more to me than what my cover shows
yet no one has looked inside, so no one knows

a hand reaches out to grab my spine
this is my chance, my time to shine

Me, Myself, and I
Christian Pike 

The me you see is not the real me,
Behind closed doors, I weep, and sing,
I hide my pain, and hide my strife 
Honestly, I just hate this life.

You'll never know the pain I feel,
My fate is all  you try to seal,
But yet you say you love and  care,
I don't know how much more I can bear.

I'm still running from this world,
Still wondering when my voice will be hear,
You keep saying that I'm selfish,and cruel,
But can't you see that I will never let you win this duel.

Now there's just one more thing that I want you to know,
And it is that I will never let my sorrow show,
And whatever you thought you know,
Go ahead and let it go.

If there's one thing i've ever learned, 
It's that my feelings is what I yearned,
You can't stop me I have your queen, 
Just watch me someday I will get your king.

I moved from checkers and on to chess,
Live will only get my best,
You can put me in check, and take my crown,
I won't let you knock me down.

Devon Owens

The Rain that affected climate change,
The Rain shot down on the moving lane, 
The Rain that dropped down on his veins,
The Rain that covered the sound of the chains,
The Rain that covered each little grain,
The Rain left the boy clueless, he could not explain
The Rain seemed to drain his brain
The Rain shed down on the terrain
The Rain changed the color of the loose change
The Rain aided her brain 
The Rain dropped on the man walking with a cane
The Rain hit the fast moving train
The Rain pelted at the castles in spain
The Rain caused a beautiful stain
The Rain slipped down the drain
The Rain was seen by the people on the plane
The Rain gave no physical pain
The Rain helped the Mentality of brains
The Rain dropped on the caped man
The man’s name was Bruce Wayne

The Rain Dances
Gracie Robertson

It is the middle of winter,
sometimes it’s chilly,
sometimes it’s warm.

Sometimes, the rain starts.
It goes on, 
and on, 
and on…

The rain dances.
It dances on, 
and on,
 and on...

Floods will come,
sometimes fierce,
sometimes weak.

But we know,
there will come a sunny day.
A sunny day
that will dry up the flood.

In the end,
you must stay positive.
You must look ahead,
and think.
Think of the sunshine that comes,
after the rain dances on,
and on,
and on.

My Town 
Laney Peacock

This town is so compact
Seems like there's no room to breathe at times,
But maybe
One day i´ll see 
That there's no town like my town.
No town that comes together as a community like my town.
No town that knows everyone around like my town.

It's just a little map dot town you pass thought 
On the way to somewhere new,
But if you just knew what went on in that town. 
Where everybody knows everyone 
We are loud and proud every Friday night. 

We don't really care for that big city feel. 
We don't really want the big city feel.
We love our fields of gold that harbor our tall white steeples
That floods with people every Sunday morning. 
After we follow that sweet,sweet smell of grandma's cooking.

Then when the day is done we look up to the sky to say thank you,
For another long day has come to rest ,
And we have lived another day in our small town,
Living like a wildflower´s pollen waiting on the wind to blow,
To carry us on to another life.

This is where we all want to live out the rest of our days here
So until the good lord calls me home ,
I will be here underneath this old oak tree,
In my compact town that I love so much.

Noah Phillips

As i sat there, dark and drewry
Thinking with great fury
Another man bringing in all the fame,
And i am just left with a bunch of shame
Pondering on how it came to be
But sooner or later we all have to pay the fee
I own up to my mistakes 
Not saying thats what makes me great
Walking down this dark road
Just beginning to hear a crow
I begin to slow
Approaching the building in disbelief 
It's not too late to turn around.
Walking into the building i see
Human eyeballs waiting just for me
Kyle turned his on time i see
Sometimes you just have to pay that stupid libary fee.

Where I Came From
   Sincere Fowler

I am from the 50 yard. 
From lifting weights after morning stretches.
  Taking medicine for my sore muscles.
I am from a big house in a small town.
I am from dancing cookies from a jar.
From waking up for school.
From 2000 thousand students in school.
I am from season four of fortnite battle royale.
I’m from the white sandy beaches.
Swimming in the cool ocean.
I am from a loving and caring family.
I am from my amazing brothers.
I’m from God who loves all.
Like angels in the sky.
From always on task. 
never quitting an assignment.
I am from the courage and support.
I am from moms holiday meals.
From special family gatherings.  
I am from a special world.

Changed By the Virus
Kayla Cassidy
                                       Alone she stood in silence,
                                       She had the virus.
                                       The one that likes to speak loudly inside your head.
                                       Quick breathes she gave in hopes of calming down,
                                       She was starting to lose her crown.
                                       Just breathe she tells herself,
                                       But she could not find oneself.
                                       It sneaks up on her like a cat on a mouse,
                                       If only she could find a cure,
                                       To the thoughts that arouse the self hatred.
                                       Her confidence seemed to just go faded.
                                       Just breath she tells herself.
                                       Deep, long, breaths she took in the cold itself. 
                                       She seemed to be fine again,
                                       Until the thoughts overtook her mind. 
                                       She cried and cried.
                                       If only she tried,
                                       If only she tried to tell herself otherwise,
                                       See she just wanted to be perfect in a man's mind.
                                       If only she knew,
                                       She was the result of the great mastermind.
                                       Just breathe she tells herself.
                                       And on that shelf she sees a mirror,
                                       Oh how the virus had started to eat her.
                                       She started fighting back. 
                                       But it was on its last attack,
                                       The attack that would end it all in a deep black.
                                       Never heard from again,
                                       She had let the virus win and for that,
                                       She wasn't going back.

Daevonta Ates

                    The bone was slim
    The bone looked like a small tree limb
              The bone was fat and juicy
     The best bone a dog would ever want
     The bone made the dog wag its tail
   The bone  made the dog cheer and yell
    With the dog bone the dog felt peaceful
             It came straight off my plate 
                  then into the dogs plate
           The dog will beat on the walls
                After the delightful meal
         The dog thought it was a good deal
                   To get a second meal
                     Of leftover bones
                  I thought it was alright
        So i bought him many kinds of bones
                    He loved the bones
          Like they were his only hope
           He ate like a ate like a hungry ant
           With teeth sharper than a knife
              At night he dream of a world with more bones that shine bright
                 They he slept peaceful knowing he would have more
                                THE END

Why You?
Ethan Foskey

Just like a map,
Dad always knows the way.
Helpful, strong, loving, caring.
Not enough words to describe you.
Always there when I need you,
Always ready to give yourself away for me.
But now, this terrible thing
Trying to take you away
Crying, begging, praying,
Oh please don’t take him away.
So little time, 
So many words left to say.
Why you, I ask.
Why you?
What have you done, 
In order to deserve this,
What have you done?
How could this happen, 
Of all people,
How could this happen?
I don’t want to live without you
Please, they can’t take you
Away from me
But there’s nothing we can do,
Nothing we can do anymore.
Tears blur my vision,
When I look at you.
Why you, I ask.
Why you?


The Dog and The Hog 
Asa Wyatt

There was once a dog 
He did not like any hog 
He barked and cried 
He tried oh he tried,

One day he looked 
He saw a color 
It was snook 
The hog made out of blubur 
Snook teased and made fun of the dog 
But little did he know he was in for it,

The dog tried through a hole but couldn’t fit
He tried oh he tried 
The hog laughed and teased even more 
But then the dog's owner came out the door
He opened the gate,

The dog took off toward the hog
He was running so fast he felt like a car on the golden gate
He dog caught the hog 
The hog saw his fate 
He struggled and struggled but he was stuck 
The dog did not care 
He showed he teeth which are very bare 
One last squeal 
The dog had a very good meal.

      Dytwon Ates

My speeches are long, but my words are short
if I read more than more I'm considered a dork.
I make good grades and tend to myself,
but some may say I’m an old book on a shelf.

I may act strange, I may act weird, I really like Santa’s long beard.
I go through things that people don’t know 
It's oh so scary, like rocking a boat.
Things people shall know

Is to drive safely when green says go
Although these lessons are taught
If one does wrong they might get caught.
They’re few things to teach, as if we’re students to learn

like teaching a baby that carpet could burn. 
A bird has wings and feathers are things 
that birds like to lick when they don’t feel clean
out of the day like hitting the hay.

This is the end my friend we’ve had a long journey 
from telling you things that won’t make you money
as  if it were a job like corn on the cob,
was compared to a furious feared of the feared rolling of logs. 

If I were to blame of things that were strange
that do not apply to me, I probably would say
that  people just hate
the fact that they can’t find a way to cooperate with me in any way.

My days as a child were fun in a way
as I run through the streets with friends that laugh and play
I would take it all back just to play if I could,
but i’ve grown far from a young boy that was misunderstood.



Whatever it takes 
Austin Johnson

You have to do whatever it takes to be the best.
Being and trying your best at what you do is the best feeling ever.
If Martin Luther King jr. didn't do whatever it took we wouldn’t know him.
If Harriet Tubmin didn’t do whatever it took we wouldn’t have thought about her.

Whatever it takes doesn’t mean go steal a car to go to work.
It doesn’t mean go rob a bank.
Do whatever it takes to be best.

You should care for others.
Doing something for a reason is better than not having any motivation.
A driving force will help you whatever it takes.
Let's say you didn’t live as good as others, that's a driving force.
A driving force can be anything in your life.
You live by that phrase whatever it takes and you should regret nothing.

Whatever it takes in school.
Doing whatever it takes is doing homework and paying attention.
That’s especially being respectful. 
No one likes disrespect.

Do whatever it takes at your job. 
Work as hard as you can.
If you cheat it hurts no one but yourself. 

Ebryanna Hall

Everyday of your life can be difficult, that is what you  choose.
It can be miserable and tiring,
It can be boring and useless.
If you wake up every morning 
with mean face,
with a terrible attitude 
and with a terrible mindset 
Then your  life will be hard. 
However you can make your life easy. 
If that is what you choose 
It can be exciting and fun 
and  happy and joyful.
If you wake up every morning 
With a smile on your face 
With a great attitude 
And with a positive mindset 
Then it would make a huge difference.
Just changing the way you think can make a difference
Everything is about how you choose 
To look and think about things .

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